Traditions in Zederhaus

The "Denkmalhof Maurergut" is a characteristic Zederhaus-farmyard worth seeing, people have lived there for centuries, now it's a museum. Make sure you are in Zederhaus on June 24th, don't miss one of the most beautiful traditions, the "Prangstangen"!
Denkmalhof Maurergut  

The "Denkmalhof Maurergut" in Zederhaus is a typical Zederhaus-farmyard, foundet in the Middle Ages.

Denkmalhof Maurergut
People have lived there for centuries, on the left picture you can see the old "Rauchkuchl", the kitchen of the farmhouse.

The "Zederhauser Prangstangen"
Make sure you are in Zederhaus on June 24th, don't miss one of the most beautiful traditions, the "Prangstangen"! The up to eight meter poles are decorated with multi-coloured flower garlands and remain on display until August 15th in the church of Zederhaus. These flower colums are a sight of unmatched beauty and imagination. Traditions such as these make picturesque Zederhaus internationally famous.
Zederhauser Prangstangen

Fam. Johann & Theresia Dorfer
Rothenwand 17
A-5584 Zederhaus
Phone: +43 6478 453 or +43 6478 484